These Discourses were given over the last two or three years to his disciples by one who needs no introduction because he is the Self of every self and has his home in every heart; but because we have forgotten this he has re-introduced himself to men as the Ancient One who is before all things were and will be after all things have ceased to exist.
In earlier times he was known as Jesus the Christ and Gotama the Buddha and Krishna the Lover and Rama the King. This time he is called Meher Baba. Later, after he has dropped his mortal body, men will probably add ‘The Awakener’ after his name, for he has said, I have come not to teach but to awaken.
Meher Baba asserts that he is God, Truth Absolute, and says he has taken form solely because of his compassion for suffering humanity. Man’s sufferingis great. Despite the propaganda programmes of ‘things were never better’ man’s suffering is so great that he has devised the meansof self-annihilation, to extinguish himself and his seed utterly. The question that now occupies the minds of all thinking men is how this destruction may be averted – for the power for this destruction is in the hands of men who are not morally equipped to be the custodians of such power.
This thinking is not in clear streams, but is rather as the cross- currents of an agitated sea seeking a channelled flow toward Something that can guarantee continued existence. With religionists this Something tends to take the form of Someone, the world Saviour which all religions promise.
Meher Baba says he is this Something or Someone. ‘I am the One whom so many seek and so few find.’
Naturally many will not accept this assertion. Indeed, while all men are praying for Someone or Something to save the world, some will be praying that this Man be saved from the gigantic deception of believing he is God!
But Truth has never waited for us to accept It, but, as the Wind listeth where It will, proclaims Itself according to Its own sweet will and whim. It is as natural for God-Man to assert, I am God, as it is for us to assert, I am man. And it would be as laughable for God- Man to say, I am not God, as it would be for us to say, I am not man. Our ignorance of divine Truths is colossal and our ideas about God are so elementary.
It takes some courage to accept God as God-Man, for acceptance means surrender of one’s individual ego-life. However, since our cherished lives are no longer ours but are in the hands of the first one who will give an order for buttons to be pressed, surrender is not so difficult!
But more courageous than those who surrender themselves to God-Man would seem to be those, who, expecting a Someone or a Something, remain true to their expectation by denying the occurrence of the Advent of God-Man because they cannot prove he is not what he proclaims he is.
And perhaps more courageous than these are those who continue to follow the westering false lights of material progress while the beautiful silent Person of God has already lit the east-sky with the Dawn of a New Humanity . Presently the Sun of his Word will break across the world, and his Glory will be manifest to all.
Meanwhile the Discourses in this book—dictated
in silence by Meher Baba through hand-signs – may be said to be indications of the One Word of Truth that he will utter when he breaks his Silence and manifests his Godhood to men. The Everything and The Nothing constitutes a preparation of mind and heart to receive that One Word of Truth when he speaks it.
Francis Brabazon 1st November, 1962
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